JArchitect with Gradle

Generate a JArchitect HTML Report with Gradle

Integrating JArchitect with Gradle

  • First step: Create a JArchitect project (.jdproj) from JArchitect tool
  • Add the following code to your build.gradle file:

task AnalyzeProject(type:Exec) {
workingDir 'JArchitect console path'
//on windows:
commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'JArchitect.Console.exe', 'your (.jdproj) file', '/OutDir', 'JArchitect output directory path'

Analyzing a project with Gradle

  • To analyse your project execute the following command on your project directory:
  • C:\myProject>gradle –q AnalyzeProject

  • Check now your JArchitect output directory you must see something like this:

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